Editable vs. Static Content on Your Website

Editable Modules on Websites: Pros and Cons for Your Brand

When it comes to editing the content on your website, there are two types of modules- static and editable modules. A static module is hard-coded content that can't be changed without the assistance of a website developer. On the other hand, editable modules have content that you can update yourself, including replacing images, copy and other elements.

The Advantages of Editable Modules

Editable modules give you greater flexibility and control over your website. You can make changes on the fly, without having to wait for a developer to update your site. This is especially useful if you need to make minor edits such as typos, image replacements, pricing or product descriptions.

Having a website with all editable modules allows you to update your site with the latest content quickly. You can add new pages, images or products without the need for a developer, which saves you time and money. The ability to make small changes to your website regularly can help to ensure that it remains fresh, engaging and up-to-date for users.

The Drawbacks of Editable Modules

While having a website with all editable modules can be highly beneficial, it does come with some downsides.

Firstly, websites with all editable modules can be more expensive to develop. A website developer may need to spend extra time creating a custom content management system to accommodate all the editable modules required. This can lead to additional costs that may make it an unviable option for small businesses with limited budgets.

Secondly, businesses with less technological experience may find that they need to commit more time to learning how to operate the site properly before they can make changes.

Lastly, if the editable content isn't used correctly, it may harm the overall design and impact of the website. There is a possibility of misalignment, inconsistencies and a shift in your website design aesthetics when content is being uploaded regularly.


Having a website with a balance of static and editable modules may be ideal for most businesses. Your business objectives and plans should be considered when choosing which modules are best suited for your website. Static modules are perfect for core elements of your site that do not frequently change. In comparison, editable modules are useful for changing elements of your site, keeping them fresh and engaging for users. Ultimately, having control over your website content can lead to a more effective online presence and increased engagement with your target audience.