Follow these steps to share various platform accounts (LinkedIn, Meta, Instagram, domain, and more) with BS LLC.
Table of Contents
Add Partner to Business Manager
- Sign into LinkedIn Business Manager
- Click "Partners" in the left menu
- Add BS LLC's Business Manager ID: 7128112444828225536
- Click the "Add Partner" button to the right of the field
Share an Ad Account with Partner
- Refresh your page and click "Partners" in the left menu.
- Select your partner “BS LLC”
- Click the "Share Ad Accounts" button on the right side of the page.
- Select the ad accounts to share using the checkboxes on the left side of the page.
- Click "Assign Role"
- Select "Account Manager".
- Click the Share button.
Share a Page with Partner
- Refresh your page and follow the same process as sharing ad account access. Click "Partners" in the left menu.
- Select your partner “BS LLC”
- Click the "Share Pages" button on the right side of the page.
- Select the ad accounts to share using the checkboxes on the left side of the page.
- Click "Assign Role"
- Select "Content Admin".
- Click the Share button.
* In order to share account access with BS LLC, you need to have a Business Portfolio set up in Meta. If you do not already have a Business Portfolio, please follow these instructions to do so and return here to learn how to share access.
- Log into Meta Business Settings
- Below Users, click "Partners"
- Click "Add" > "Give a Partner Access to Your Assets"
- Enter BS LLC's Partner ID: 147520162648091 and click "Next"
- Assign BS LLC the relevant assets with the appropriate permissions.
- New Pages Experience > Select Your Facebook Page > toggle "Partial Access"
- Ad Accounts > Select Your Ad Account > toggle "Manage Campaigns (Ads)"
Instagram Accounts > Select your Instagram Account > toggle everything under Partial Access
- New Pages Experience > Select Your Facebook Page > toggle "Partial Access"
- Click "Save Changes"
Hosting & Domain
Please fill out this form in order to start the process of sharing your hosting and domain access with BS LLC. After filling out this form we will reach out to you with any further instructors.