What is the BS Site Audit

Site Audit is a website auditing service that measures technical and SEO-related issues, providing recommendations for improvement to help enhance website health and performance.

Site Audit is a website auditing service that we offer to help website owners and digital marketers to identify technical and SEO-related issues on their websites and provide recommendations for improvement. The service crawls the website and checks for issues such as broken links, duplicate content, missing meta tags, and other technical and SEO-related issues that can negatively impact website performance.

Site Audit measures a wide range of items that are divided into categories such as:

  1. Performance: This includes items such as page load speed, server response time, and image optimization.

  2. SEO: This includes items such as meta tags, headings, duplicate content, and sitemap.

  3. Mobile: This includes items such as mobile responsiveness, viewport settings, and font sizes.

  4. Security: This includes items such as HTTPS implementation, SSL certificates, and secure cookie settings.

  5. Accessibility: This includes items such as alt tags for images, ARIA attributes for dynamic content, and keyboard navigation.

  6. International SEO: This includes items such as hreflang tags, language declarations, and currency settings.

Each category has a set of discreet items that are measured and graded by the Site Audit service. The service provides a score for each category and overall website health score based on the number and severity of issues identified.

Site Audit is a comprehensive website auditing service that can help website owners and digital marketers to identify and resolve technical and SEO-related issues that can negatively impact website performance. The service's ability to measure a large number of discreet items across various categories makes it a powerful tool for improving website health and performance.